Become an Instructor
What is JitterBlast all about?
JitterBlast is a dance-based fitness program. JitterBlast classes are “fitness social events” that blend upbeat jazz rhythms with easy-to-follow choreography for a total-body workout that feels like a joyful celebration. It uses the high-energy swing dances of Lindy Hop, Charleston, and Jazz to create a top-notch interval workout that burns calories and tones muscle. Its well-rounded approach uses different planes of motion and mixes of moves to hit as many muscle groups as possible for a balanced workout.
JitterBlast classes require no partner and are structured to be accessible and appealing to people of all dance abilities and fitness levels, even those who have never danced or worked out before. All that’s required of you is a willingness to have fun. No matter what generation you come from or type of music you prefer, the driving beat and artistry of swing music will inspire the Jitterbug spirit in you. You’ll be having so much fun that you’ll forget you’re working out.
Become a Certified JitterBlast Instructor
Anyone who is excited about dancing and fitness has the potential become a JitterBlast instructor. You don’t need to be the best dancer or in the best shape of your life to be an instructor, but you do need to be committed toward self-improvement and excited to motivate others to do the same. JitterBlast classes can be a great adjunct to other classes you might run at a swing dance venue, or they can be run on their own. Becoming an instructor will give you the opportunity not only to promote better health, establish a successful business, and create great swing and jazz dancers but also to inspire and change the lives of your students.
The first step in becoming a JitterBlast instructor is to participate in an Instructor Training Day. An Instructor Training Day will
- walk you through the full JitterBlast class experience,
- give you the tools to design your own JitterBlast class,
- teach you the skills you need to become a successful JitterBlast instructor, and
- improve your own Jazz, Charleston, and Lindy Hop technique.
As part of the JitterBlast instructor training you will also receive
- a DVD reviewing the fundamental JitterBlast movements as well as a first set of choreography,
- a CD containing the official JitterBlast music, recorded by some of the best swing musicians in the world especially for this program,
- access to a private online network of fellow JitterBlast instructors with whom to exchange ideas and get feedback, and
- a personal JitterBlast online profile and class promotion page.
How Do I Become Certified?
It’s a very simple process. All you need to do is show you can dance a song by yourself. What we are looking for are the proper movements, transitions, phrasing and being able to dance both the right side and left side sequences.
After completing the Training Day you have two options:
- The end of the Training Day will allot time for the attendees to test for their certification in person.
- The second option is to send in a video after the Training Day to test for your certification.
Once your test is approved you become an official JitterBlast Instructor!
**Currently, all trainings are live and in person. There are no online or DVD trainings at this time**